Acts by Chapter 1-28" width="409" height="273" />
Praise the Lord, dear family in Christ! Let’s now embark on an exciting journey through the Book of Acts, written by Luke, a faithful companion of the Apostle Paul. This book of Acts summary by chapter offers a quick glance through the book in the Bible.
This inspiring book offers us a glimpse into the early Church, as the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles and believers to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Here is the summary of the book of Acts of the apostles, chapter by chapter.
Chapter 1 witnesses the ascension of our Lord Jesus into heaven after He instructs the apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit.
The apostles return to Jerusalem and choose Matthias to replace Judas Iscariot among the Twelve.
In Chapter 2, the Holy Spirit descends upon the believers at Pentecost, and they speak in various languages.
Peter delivers a powerful sermon, and about three thousand people believe and are baptized.
In Chapter 3, Peter heals a lame beggar in the name of Jesus at the temple gate.
Peter addresses the crowd, urging them to repent and turn to God.
In Chapter 4, Peter and John are arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly testifies about Jesus.
The believers pray for boldness and are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 5 recounts the deceit of Ananias and Sapphira, who lie about their offering and are struck dead.
The apostles perform many miracles, and despite being arrested, they continue to preach.
In Chapter 6, the apostles appoint seven men, full of the Holy Spirit, to oversee the distribution of food to widows.
Stephen, one of the seven, performs miracles and is seized by the Sanhedrin.
In Chapter 7, Stephen gives a lengthy speech recounting Israel’s history and accusing the Sanhedrin of resisting the Holy Spirit.
He is stoned to death, becoming the first Christian martyr, with Saul (later Paul) approving.
Chapter 8 has Philip preaching in Samaria, where many believe and are baptized.
Simon the sorcerer believes but tries to buy the power of the Holy Spirit. Philip also baptizes an Ethiopian eunuch.
In Chapter 9, Saul encounters Jesus on the road to Damascus and is converted, taking the name Paul.
Peter heals Aeneas and raises Tabitha from the dead.
Chapter 10 tells of Cornelius, a Gentile, who is visited by an angel. Peter has a vision about clean and unclean animals.
Peter goes to Cornelius’ house, preaches to the Gentiles, and witnesses the Holy Spirit coming upon them.
In Chapter 11, Peter explains his actions to the Jerusalem church, sharing his vision and how the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles.
The church in Antioch is established, with Barnabas and Saul teaching there.
In Chapter 12, Herod persecutes the church, killing James and imprisoning Peter. An angel miraculously frees Peter.
Herod, not giving praise to God, is struck down.
Chapter 13 sees Paul and Barnabas sent by the Holy Spirit on their first missionary journey. They preach in Cyprus and southern Turkey.
Paul begins to emerge as a leader, and they face both acceptance and opposition.
In Chapter 14, Paul and Barnabas continue preaching. In Lystra, Paul heals a crippled man, but the crowd mistakenly thinks they are gods.
Jews stir up the crowd, and Paul is stoned but survives. They return to Antioch, reporting what God had done.
In Chapter 15, there’s a dispute about circumcision for Gentile converts. The Jerusalem Council is held, deciding that Gentiles are saved through grace.
A letter is sent with the decision. Paul and Barnabas part ways over a disagreement.
In Chapter 16, Paul receives a vision to go to Macedonia. In Philippi, Lydia is converted, and Paul and Silas are imprisoned.
An earthquake opens the prison, and the jailer and his household are saved and baptized.
In Chapter 17, Paul and Silas preach in Thessalonica, but opposition arises. They move on to Berea and then Athens.
In Athens, Paul addresses the Areopagus, speaking about the unknown God they worship.
In Chapter 18, Paul arrives in Corinth, meeting Priscilla and Aquila. He stays and preaches for 18 months.
Apollos, an eloquent speaker, learns the way of God more accurately through Priscilla and Aquila.
In Chapter 19, Paul spends two years in Ephesus, performing miracles. There’s a riot led by Demetrius, a silversmith, who feels threatened by the preaching of the Gospel.
Chapter 20 has Paul traveling and encouraging disciples. He meets with the Ephesian elders at Miletus, urging them to shepherd the church and warning them of coming dangers.
They pray and weep together, knowing they will not see him again.
In Chapter 21, Paul returns to Jerusalem. He is warned of the dangers he will face but is resolved to go.
He is arrested in the temple after a mob falsely accuses him.
In Chapter 22, Paul defends himself before the Jerusalem crowd, recounting his conversion. The crowd becomes hostile, and Paul is taken into the barracks.
In Chapter 23, Paul stands before the Sanhedrin. A plot to kill Paul is discovered, and he is transferred to Caesarea for his safety.
In Chapter 24, Paul is on trial before Felix, accused by Jewish leaders.
Felix keeps Paul in prison but talks with him often. After two years, Felix is succeeded by Festus, but Paul remains imprisoned.
In Chapter 25, Paul is brought before Festus. Jewish leaders still want him dead. Paul exercises his right as a Roman citizen to appeal to Caesar.
King Agrippa and Bernice arrive, and Festus discusses Paul’s case with them.
In Chapter 26, Paul testifies before King Agrippa, recounting his conversion and calling. Paul states that he has done nothing against Jewish law or the temple.
Agrippa declares that Paul could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.
In Chapter 27, Paul, still a prisoner, is sent by ship to Rome. The voyage is dangerous, and a storm wrecks the ship.
Paul encourages all on board, and all 276 people survive, reaching Malta’s shore.
Chapter 28 sees Paul on Malta, where he is bitten by a snake but remains unharmed, and he heals many people.
Paul finally arrives in Rome, where he is under house arrest but freely preaches and teaches about Jesus.
(Read Also: The Book of Romans Summary by Chapter)
Alright, we have gone through the summary of the book of acts chapter by chapter. Now, I encourage you to read the text yourself using your most preferred version of the Bible.
The Book of Acts takes us on an awe-inspiring journey through the early days of the Church, powered by the Holy Spirit. The Gospel of Christ breaks through every barrier, reaching not only the Jews but also the Gentiles, even as far as Rome.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, let us take courage and inspiration from the apostles and early believers who, filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ. May we too, be witnesses for Christ in our world today. Amen!