How do I obtain a SNOMED CT Affiliate License?

The process used depends on where you are planning to use SNOMED CT:

a) Member Countries

If you are planning to use, deploy or distribute SNOMED CT in a Member country territory then the license can be obtained from that Member. You may download SNOMED CT at the Member country’s designated website. The use of SNOMED CT in Member countries is free. You can locate each Member country’s designated website by following the links from the SNOMED International website:

If you decide to use, deploy or distribute SNOMED CT in additional Member countries you should check the Member’s website to determine if there are requirements for use in that specific member country.

As an alternative to obtaining the license from the Member, you may obtain the license directly from SNOMED International. However, you should check the Member’s website you plan to deploy or distribute SNOMED CT in to determine if there are any requirements for use in that specific country.

b) Non Member Countries

If you do not already hold a SNOMED CT license and you plan to use, deploy or distribute SNOMED CT only in a non-member country then you should apply for a license directly with SNOMED International. More information can be found on Please be aware fees may apply.

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