If you manage a public website in the federal government’s executive branch, various policies require you to have certain content—or provide links to content—from specific places on your website.
This page makes it clear:
The easiest way to implement these required links in a clear, user-friendly way is by using the two core U.S. Web Design System components:
Together, these two components are the most recognizable and standardized design elements of federal websites. Use the banner at the top to identify your site as an official federal government site. Use the identifier at the bottom to communicate the site’s parent agency and display the links required by federal laws and policies.
Questions? send an email to digitalgov@gsa.gov
Sub-agency sites are sites managed by or focused on a branch or division of a Department-level agency, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) website, www.nih.gov, which is a sub-agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The content is focused on the work of the agency.
Secondary sites are sites (including microsites) managed by a federal agency on a certain topic, such as the Federal Student Aid website, www.studentaid.gov, which is managed by the U.S. Department of Education. The content is focused on a program or topic, rather than the agency that runs the program.
You need to have an “About” page on your site.
On your primary agency site, include information about the agency with descriptions of the agency organization structure, mission, and statutory authority, and links to the following information:
Secondary agency sites also need an “About” page that describes your site and links to your own website policies. It should also link to the primary agency’s “About” page.
About or About us
Learn more about what content helps provide your users with clear, contextualized digital experiences in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience.
Federal agencies must:
The accessibility statement should, at a minimum, include:
Sample and best-in-practice accessibility statements can be found at Section508.gov on the pages for IT Accessibility Laws and Policies, and Executive Guide to Federal IT Accessibility.
Accessibility or Accessibility statement
Learn more about what content helps provide your users with accessible digital experiences in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience and the OMB Memorandum: Strategic Plan for Improving Management of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (PDF, 212 kb, 13 pages, January 2013).
Agencies are required to have a page on their website that has the following information:
Budget and Performance
Learn more about transparency around budgeting and performance reoports in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience and OMB Circular A-11, Part 6.
210.6 How are agency-specific plans and reports made available to the public on the agency’s website?
To enhance transparency of performance data, all Federal agencies should make information, including prior plans and reports, as easy as possible to locate from the agency’s individual website (e.g., www.usda.gov). Federal Agencies must also provide a hyperlink on Performance.gov to the agency’s public website (e.g., https://www.usda.gov/our-agency/about-usda/performance) where the agency has published current and past performance plans and reports. In adherence to OMB Memorandum M-17-06, agencies must create a prominent link directly to their performance plans and reports from their “About Agency” or “About Us” page, which is directly off of the agency’s homepage.
Agencies may also want to create links from this page to other planning and performance reporting documents, such as the human capital operating plans, information resources management plans, Agency Financial Reports or Performance and Accountability Reports, Congressional Budget Justifications, and other acquisition or capital asset management plans where those other documents are publicly available and relevant to performance on strategic objectives. Agency performance planning and reporting documents available on the agency website should be consistent with Administration policies and not include predecisional information.
When developing performance information for publication, agencies should be open, transparent, and accountable for results of progress against stated performance goals and objectives, publishing information online consistent with the Federal Records Act, privacy and security restrictions, and other applicable law and policy including OMB Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource. It is important that agencies communicate relevant, reliable, and timely performance information within and outside their organizations to improve performance outcomes and operational efficiency.
Machine-readable. Consistent with the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010, information published through Performance.gov will be made available to the public in a machine-readable format. See section 240 for additional information on an initiative to make agency performance plans and reports ‘machine readable’ with the 2021 Budget and Performance Planning / Reporting cycle.
All federal public websites must comply with the existing No Fear Act Notification and Federal Employee Anti-Discrimination and Retaliation of 2002 (No Fear Act) Public Law No. 107-174). Organizations should review the relevant law to ensure that their public websites meet the full range of requirements.
No FEAR Act Data
Link Location, Link Name, Search Engines and URLs
Section 1614.703(d) of the interim rule requires an agency to title its posted EEO information Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act. This section further requires an agency to prominently place a hyperlink to the data on the homepage of its public Web site. There was some objection both to the location of the hyperlink and its name.
As for the location, agencies argue that their homepages already are well populated with hyperlinks which primarily are mission-specific. Adding another hyperlink, thereby producing crowding, may in fact be counter-productive. Moreover, many people visiting an agency Web site do so through hyperlinks from other non-agency Web sites or search engines that bypass an agency’s homepage. Some agencies allow internet users to compose a personal homepage, which again bypasses the agency’s standard homepage. For these and other reasons, the agencies that commented uniformly were of the opinion that a hyperlink on an agency’s homepage is not the best way to ensure the public’s assess to an agency’s posted EEO data. These agencies therefore suggested that each agency decide itself where to place its EEO data and hyperlinks to that data since each agency best knows where a target audience goes to look for certain information. A number of agencies offered suggestions where the hyperlink would be better placed, such as on the “About the Agency” or “Working for the Agency/Employment” pages.
The Commission is concerned that without a uniform hyperlink location members of the public seeking EEO data from more than one agency will have trouble finding the data. If one agency’s hyperlink is on the “About the Agency” page, another’s is on the “Employment Opportunities” page, another’s is on a page entitled “Civil Rights”, and another’s is on the homepage, locating the data for multiple agencies could well end up as an exercise in trial and error. Even assuming that the homepage is not the best or most intuitive location for the hyperlink, EEOC is convinced that it would not be in the public interest to allow each agency to decide where on its Web site it will place the hyperlink. Thus, if not the homepage, EEOC must dictate another uniform location. The problem is that there are no other locations common to all agency public Web sites. Agencies do not label their “About the Agency” and “Employment” pages identically. Not every agency has an Employment Opportunities page. Thus, there is no way to standardize through a rule an alternative location for the link. This leaves only the homepage as the one Web page all agencies possess in common, and therefore it is the homepage which shall house the link.
Regarding the title of the hyperlink, EEOC agrees that it is too wordy. EEOC, however, does not agree that the label “No FEAR” will be widely misunderstood by members of the public. On the contrary, the term “No FEAR Act” has attained familiarity among employees and those involved in EEO matters. Accordingly, the final rule provides that the hyperlink shall be called “No FEAR Act Data” . However, agencies will be required to title the page where its data appears as follows:
“Equal Employment Opportunity Data Posted Pursuant to Title III of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), Pub. L. 107-174.”
In furtherance of making every agency’s No FEAR Act data easily accessible, it was suggested that agencies maintain their posted data so that it is readily retrievable by commercial search engines. EEOC agrees and has added a subsection setting forth this requirement.
Finally, some commenters suggested that each agency provide EEOC with the hyperlink to its No FEAR data and that EEOC post the agency hyperlinks in one location on EEOC’s public Web site. EEOC has decided to adopt this suggestion. Therefore, the final rule contains the requirement that an agency provide EEOC with the URL for the location of its No FEAR data and provide URL updates as necessary. Agencies can e-mail their URLs to EEOC at NoFEAR.URLS@eeoc.gov.
Agencies must clearly identify external links from their websites. Agency websites must clearly state that the content of external links to non-federal agency websites is not endorsed by the federal government and is not subject to federal information quality, privacy, security, and related guidelines.
Any link that is not a federal .gov or .mil website is considered an external link.
Agencies should choose the best approach to identify external links to users in a way that minimizes the impact on the usability of their websites and digital services
Learn more about what links provide your users with clear, trustworthy digital experiences in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience.
All federal public websites must comply with existing laws and directives that relate to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
There are two requirements that all federal public websites must have:
Organizations should review the FOIA and implementation guidance to ensure that their public websites meet the full range of requirements.
FOIA or Freedom of Information Act
Learn more about what content helps provide your users with necessary information in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience.
USA.gov is the official web portal for the U.S. government.
When you link to USA.gov, please do it in an appropriate context as a service to your customers when they need to find official U.S. government information and services.
We also encourage you to link to USAGov en Español, the official Spanish language web portal of the U.S. government.
Have a question about government services? Contact USA.gov
a href="https://www.usa.gov/" title="Contact USA.gov">Contact USA.gova>
Learn more about providing straightforward customer support in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience.
All federal public websites must comply with existing laws and directives that address the need to protect the privacy of the American people when they interact with their government. Some of the key requirements for federal public websites include:
Learn more about what content helps provide your users with clear, contextualized digital experiences in Requirements for delivering a digital-first public experience and in OMB M-03-22, Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002 (See Attachment A, Section III, Privacy Policies on Agency Websites)
III. Privacy Policies on Agency Websites
A method for reporting evidence of waste, fraud, or abuse to the Inspector General, and linking to Inspector General audits and investigative reports.
Office of the Inspector General
Sec. 534. (NOTE: 5 USC app. 6 note.) The departments, agencies, and commissions funded under this Act, shall establish and maintain on the homepages of their Internet websites –
Agencies must have a way for the public to report potential security vulnerabilities, and explain how the agency will respond to such reports.
Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
These requirements apply to executive branch departments and agencies and their public websites. Check the specific law or policy to see if it also applies to the judicial or legislative agencies, or intranets.
The Federal Web Managers Council recommends that government agencies use consistent link labels for common content found on government websites. These recommendations are based on industry standard link labels and a usability study of common government terms usability study of common government terms (MS PowerPoint presentation, 144 KB, 49 slides, July 2004).
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