Labor Commissioner's Office

The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice through robust enforcement of labor laws. By combating wage theft, protecting workers from retaliation, and educating the public, we put earned wages into workers' pockets and help level the playing field for law-abiding employers. This office is also known as the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE).

The Labor Commissioner is Hiring! DIR Jobs

Health Care Worker Minimum Wage FAQs Posted

Certain health care workers must soon be paid a higher minimum wage. The law will go into effect sometime between October 15, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

For more information on when the minimum wage will increase and which workers are covered, visit the Health Care Worker Minimum Wage FAQs. For more information on the clinic waiver program, visit the Health Care Minimum Wage Clinic Waiver Program FAQs and access the clinic waiver application here.

Fast Food Minimum Wage Effective April 1, 2024

Starting April 1, 2024, all “fast food restaurant employees” who are covered by the new law must be paid at least $20.00 per hour. For more information, visit Fast Food Minimum Wage Frequently Asked Questions .

Fast food employers must post this Minimum Wage Order Supplement for Fast Food Restaurant Employees.

Supplemental Notice to H-2A Employees Effective March 15, 2024

California Minimum Wage Effective January 1, 2024

Sixteen dollars ($16) per hour for all hours worked, regardless of the size of the employer.



Public Meetings

Current schedule of meetings available for the public Public Meetings.

Help make pay equity the norm in California. Tools and resources for employers, employees and unions to comply with the Equal Pay Act are now available.

Overtime Law for Agricultural Workers

Effective January 1, 2022, agricultural workers employed by employers with 26 or more employees must receive overtime (1.5 times the employee’s regular rate of pay) for all hours worked over 8 hours in any workday or over 40 hours in any workweek. AB 1066

Entertainment Industry Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirements

Beginning January 1, 2019, all talent agencies operating in California must provide their artists with educational materials on sexual harassment prevention, retaliation, reporting resources, nutrition and eating disorders.

Applicants for entertainment work permits for minors between the ages of 14 and 17 must also complete sexual harassment prevention training before obtaining a minor’s entertainment work permit.

Update: Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention Training for Janitorial Service Providers

Due to the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, the biennial in-person sexual violence and harassment prevention training that janitorial employers must provide to their nonsupervisory and supervisory workers may now be conducted safely. The list of qualified organizations is posted on this website as of January 1, 2024. Consequently, janitorial employers must begin compliance with the biennial in-person sexual violence and harassment prevention training requirements under Labor Code section 1429.5. Please visit the sexual harassment prevention training page for additional information regarding the required training materials.

Piece Rate Workers

If you are an employee who was paid on a piece rate basis during the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015, the Labor Commissioner’s office may have collected wages for you from your employer for rest and recovery periods and other nonproductive time. If you believe your employer has paid those wages to the Labor Commissioner on your behalf, please complete this form and mail to the address below or take it to any local office of the Labor Commissioner. Please complete and submit a separate form for every employer who you think may have paid your wages to the Labor Commissioner.

Department of Industrial Relations
AB 1513 Application
Centralized Cashiering Unit
2031 Howe Avenue, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95825

Cómo Hacer un Reclamo al Fondo de Salario Impago

Si usted es un trabajador cuya paga entre el 1 de julio de 2012 y el 31 de diciembre de 2015 fue sobre la base de pago por pieza, el Comisionado Laboral puede haber recaudado sueldos de su empleador en concepto de períodos de descanso y otro tiempo improductivo. Si usted piensa que su paga ha sido enviada al Fondo de Sueldo Impago, por favor complete este formulario y envíelo a la dirección que figura a continuación o entréguelo personalmente en cualquier oficina del Comisionado Laboral. Por favor complete y envíe un formulario por cada empleador que, a su juicio, pueda haber enviado su paga al Comisionado Laboral.

Department of Industrial Relations
AB 1513 Application
Centralized Cashiering Unit
2031 Howe Avenue, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95825

Other Resources

Laws, Regulations, and Policies